Monthly Community Incentives

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To express gratitude for the support of community members, after the project is officially launched, we will distribute community incentives to eligible community members every month.

Conditions for participating in community incentives:

Community members who hold 5 or more T404 tokens during this month and have used TRC404 Telegram MiniAPP will be eligible to participate in community incentives.

1. Trading Competition Incentives

The Top 100 traders with the highest trading volume will share Trading Competition Incentives. Trading volume includes T404 Pink Market trading volume, T404 DEX trading volume, and T404 NFT trading volume.

2.T404 Lottery Competition Incentives

The Top 3 users with the highest number of wins within a month will share T404 Lottery Competition Incentives.

3. Revenue Sharing Incentives

The platform will randomly select 100 users from eligible users to share monthly revenue-sharing incentives every month.

50% of platform revenue will be used to distribute this incentive. Platform revenue came from the T404 Pink Market transaction fees, T404 DEX transaction fees, T404 NFT royalties, and other 404 application revenue.

4. Airdrops Incentives

The platform will periodically airdrop rewards from other 404 partners to community members.

Last updated